On the 20th of October 2008, several residents from WestGate Park Bucharest, sustained by WWF Romania, initiated a campaign to make this business park more eco-friendly.

You must know that even if we work in an office, we still have an impact on the environment.In order to sustain our business, we consume electricity, water and gas and we produce substantial quantities of waste: plastics, paper, and much … much more.

This is why we have decided to reduce our ecological footprint on our surrounding environment, but in the end it all depends on us.

Thus, through the means of this blog we are providing you with information on ways of reducing consumption and recycling waste at the office, but also at home.

We believe that sustainable development will bring long-term benefits for each side implicated: companies, community and nature.

Add this page to your favorites and stay posted for more news and information.

13 February 2009


Our traditional attitude to rubbish is to throw it in the bin and forget about it. We are producing increasing amounts of waste each year, which means we are using natural resources at a faster rate than ever and putting more strain on the environment's capacity to deal with our waste products.

We need to stop thinking of rubbish as a problem to be buried in landfill and start thinking of it as a resource to be used.

This is one of the reasons we've decided to make sure that the recyclable waste that we throw away gets at the right place. It all starts from YOUR regular trash-bin. Only by sorting waste before it's trashed we can make sure that the process is correctly started:

Two of the most easily recyclable materials are PAPER and PLASTICS. By having separate bins designated for each of these two materials you can make sure that rubbish doesn't end up in the same pile.

Did you know?
  • paper accounts for 40% of all municipal waste
  • each tonne of paper recycled saves 15 average sized trees.

Did you know?
  • 25 plastic drink bottles can be used to make one fleece jacket.
  • the average person throws away 135 carrier bags, most of these could be reused.

Have separate trash-bins installed and make sure you put up the additional signs nearby thus insuring that materials get properly recycled.

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