On the 6th of March 2009, WNS Global Services (Romania) S.R.L. sustained the NGO “Terra Ecologica” - an association who want to green the outskirts of Bucharest - to the first planting action of this year. The weather was favorable for an eight hours activity, when five voluntareers (two WNS employees) planted on a private property from Dragomiresti Vale about 200 trees: red oaks and black walnuts. These trees were procured with financial resources obtained by Terra Ecologica and WNS will continue to sustain them in future campaigns.
At international level, WNS Global Services has already a tradition and an eco-friendly culture (http://www.wnsgs.com/community.php by his internal and external project named „Green Lean Sigma”. One of the main Company's value is to recognize and fulfill the responsibilities to the communities around it. One January 2008 WNS lauched a new office in Romania where started to sustain these kind of campaigns.
By exemple, on the 17th of July 2008, WNS Romania participated to a local ecological activity - clean up Dambovita river borders, at Popesti-Leordeni, nearby Bucharest. The initiative was organised by the Local Administration of District 4 - Bucharest, ‚,Apele Romane” (ANAR), Holcim (Romania) and an NGO - "Save Danube & Delta!". For about two hours, 50 voluntareers (9 WNS employees) collected almost 1 ton of waste, PETs, packs and buiding materials. The campaign "Keep the waters clean!" consists in ecological activities on the Romanian borders of the rivers.
On Sunday, the 15th of march 2009, around 12 WNS Romania employees will plant trees together with the Association "MaiMultVerde" - "MoreThanGreen" - on the reafforestation campaign "Romania prinde radacini" - "Romania has new roots" - at Suditi, Ialomita. We hope to see the results in few years. But we would like to create responsability and to implicate more and more people in order to make our town air more breathable for us and for our children.
As in Bucharest there are just a few opportunities to plant, it is necessary to develop such activities around the capital. Even if it forbidden by law, many green areas became supermarkets, business parks or parking areas.
Voluntary activities can contribute to the sustainable development during the adaption process to the climate changing.
Giving trust to such campaings means to establish rigorously rules for great results like reducing the consumption, the Co2 footprint etc. But, without a big scale gas emissions reducing, these temporary activites cannot contribue to attenuate the effects of the climate changing.
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